
Thanks to Buddha and FE 謝謝佛陀,謝謝花精

My roommate P is a good person but sometimes he becomes drunk at Friday night. Last night, midnight, I heard some noise and I understood P was drunk again.I recognized I have emotion of fear arising for his drunk, and I started to breathing in and breathing out to take care of myself. Also I ate the rescue remedy--Rock Rose, one of Bach flower essence to help me embracing my fear. Gradually I understood the roots of my dear comes from the memory in my big family. Males in my family often got drunk at party time and I didn't like that at all and the seed planted inside for a long time.I felt sorry for P and for my family male members who need to drink to hide their suffering, I felt compassion for their wrong perceptions. This is my vow to Buddha to stop this circle in my family and transcend the sorrow for next generation. offering my gratitude to Buddha and Flower essences.

About Bach Flower Essence


相鄰隔壁房間西裔室友P,本質是很好的人,但是有時候周五party夜會知道他喝醉了。昨天深夜P就是這樣醉著回來,反常地開著大聲音樂、發出許多噪音或聽到他自言自語著說著Shit ! shit !


躺在床上感覺到「害怕」的情緒出現,種子被澆灌,我深呼吸幾次breathing in breathing out,注意腹部的起伏照顧自己,然後想起來新圓山幫我準備的急就花精,裡面有rock rose(對治恐懼)可以派得上用場,起身吃下急救花精,然後躺回床上繼續正念呼吸,照顧好自己的情緒,其實P除了噪音並沒有其他的威脅。

過了沒多久可以感覺到自己跟「害怕」有一點距離了,有足夠的安穩去觀自己的「害怕」根源,看來是跟家族很有關係,尤其是家族男性在聚會喝酒後的失態,沒有威脅性但令人害怕,這個害怕種了很久了。他們說: 這是在台灣社會中「社會化」的過程,如果沒有學到修行方法,我知道自己可能會跟著這樣沉淪下去(曾經有過的),但很幸運現在我知道方法照顧自己,也很清楚如果從我開始第五項正念修習,家族的慣習才能改變,從我開始的後面的世代不需要受到這樣的痛苦。

早上起床想起來昨晚的狀況,害怕沒有了,but I am truly sorry for P who need to been drunk to hid his suffering. 反而深思到P的痛苦,而他不知道喝酒只會讓痛苦的種子成長愈加痛苦。也對我的家族親友們感到非常難過,甚至有一些慈悲的感受。過去我用憤怒對抗他們的酒醉,而現在可以用慈悲去理解她們的酒醉,從我開始面對並轉化家族的苦痛吧,這是我跟佛陀與花精的因緣。

聖星百合—對治震驚。 岩薔薇—對治恐懼。 鳳仙花—對治身心緊繃或焦躁易怒的情況。 櫻桃李—對治情緒失控,尤其當人們尖叫、喊叫或歇斯底里時。 鐵線蓮—對治呆滯、失神的情形。這五種花精特別被巴哈醫生選來做為急救時的幾種原素,因為將這幾種合在一起時,會組成一個全效型的急救花精。

