
Avalokiteshvar in Daan Park

I wake up very early this morning and wanted to do walking meditation in a park. So I took bus going to the biggest park in Taipei, Dann park, and flower market nearby.The park in Taiwan is very different from SF style. I will call the park as playground of artificial landscape fulling of diverse activities such as dancing,tai -chi or Chi Gong.Most users were elderly persons walking, doing exercise or talking with their umbrella there but me as young person walking very slowly this morning. It was first time for me visiting the park at 7:00am, experiencing the park in new eyes with mindfulness. When walking slowly, I saw many trees and flowers growing beautifully, feeling amazing for their vitality. Then I visited flower market and bought some flowers as gifts to myself for welcoming coming back : )

After walking meditation for one hour, on the way going to flower market, I was very surprised to meet Bodisattva Avalokiteshvar in this park. some ladies stood there bowing their palms say something to Bodisattva Avalokiteshvar. I also bowed my palms with my gratitude to meet her here. Bodisattva Avalokiteshvar is always my best friend no matter where I go.

Bodisattva Avalokiteshvar in Daan Park, Taipei



過去對台灣公園的印象是: 植物很小又很醜,狗屎跟怪叔叔。

今天邊行禪,邊以正念的new eye去看台灣的公園使用文化,跟舊金山的公園類型不同,台灣風比較像遊樂園,每群人都可以找到自己的群體區域: 氣功一區、二區、三區,土風舞甲地、乙地,諸位媽媽們爺爺們撐著洋傘走路運動講話,像我這個年紀又走這麼慢練行禪還真是沒見到。這樣慢慢的也才看到公園裡植物的多層次,雖然景觀人工感仍重,少了靈性但也多少能或取一些滋養。看到一群土風舞裡面難得有一家大小家人,仔細聽在唱主耶穌愛世人的歌,這麼認真的跳舞讓我也不禁感動起來,然後眼前突然冒出一個大雕像,看到前面大嬸合掌默念,仔細看是觀音菩薩呢,我也合掌跟菩薩道早安: 菩薩早,弟子是第一次來請多多指教。

