
Drinking meditation 喝水禪

In a sangha gathering, after sitting meditation, we had drinking meditation. Everyone picked the kettle to pour water for friend sitting next you. We had to aware our each behavior, our sense to move, and aware the touching of lips and glass, lips and water, feeling how did water flow our mouse and throat.This experienced reminded me the moment drinking flower essence using water as media to pass positive message. I have to hold flower essence water in my mouse for a minute, letting the energy spread to whole body that seemed the same as mindful energy we practiced tonight.

今天到SF sangha的A大姊朋友家去共修,她已經在梅村修習很久總會努力催促那些已經修練多年的人要出來當host。一開始也是A把我從trash mail box裡面撿出來我才可以跟這群朋友結緣,在五月底見過一次面之後A就去別州出差了,今天是我們第二次見面,但我很喜歡笑聲非常豪放的A大姊。



