
Flower, express deep feelings 花精與創傷

Fuchsia, to express deep feelings

On my meditation this morning, I ate flower essences at the same time and practiced breathing in and out. I felt suffering for some Childhood trauma but couldn't understand what it was. Gradually I recognized how suffering inside I were in high school for examination system. At college, I studied and worked so hard trying to erase everything happened in teenage. When listening Thay's dharma talk, he suggested us embracing suffering and saying Hi to them. So hard to say Hi frankly. I didn't want to aware them anymore, but they became a nightmare for my application process. I almost want to give up application for avoiding touching the suffering again. It may be the time I have ability to look at them deeply and embrace them with forgiveness and mindfulness. I didn't have tool to deal with the anger and sorrow in teenager but now I learned some ways to help myself to transform.

Fuchsia flower essence

Positive qualities:Genuine emotional vitality, ability to express deep feelings.Patterns of imbalance:False states of emotionality which cover more deeply-seated pain and trauma; psychosomatic symptoms.The soul can be trapped and hindered in its progress through suppression and denial of core emotions. The individual needing Fuchsia tends to mask true feelings with various states of hyper-emotionality or psychosomatic symptoms.Such persons cry easily and have myriad physical complaints such as headaches or stomachaches. This false emotionality or suffering acts as a foil or cover for the deeper emotions which appear too powerful and overwhelming for the psyche to integrate. The soul longs to express feelings, but hopes it can do so without taking the “plunge” into more awesome and painful emotions.Fuchsia flower essence helps such an individual towards emotional catharsis, so that the feeling life becomes more genuine, and conveys greater depth and presence. Emotions such as grief, deep-seated anger, or rejection can be encountered and effectively transformed through Fuchsia. The individual learns how to recognize pain and other strong feelings more immediately, thus freeing the soul life to become emotionally authentic and vital.

