In a one sangha gathering, a friend asked:" what is the biggest change after practicing mindfulness?" I shared saying: I learned how to take care myself well." However, this change is not happening because mindfulness only, some friends, dearest god daughter (she is an angel for me showing me the beauty of life healing some wounds), Dr. Julia, flower essences,Buddha, Guayin. They help me so much and I have chance to understand deeply about Thay' teaching.While being Deer Park, my roommate, Brother Phap Dung's mother told me: " Life is not easy but beautiful." Then I cried all night for her words. Yes. What a long journey for me. Mindfulness is perfect tool for me to learn how to heal. I still need more time to prepare for the darkest part inside. I realize now I have many support with me. I will be never in such dark alone for a long time anymore. I will have chance to transform all suffering.
某天,一位共修朋友問了大家: 「因為正念之後有什麼最大的改變嗎?」