
Guanyin's golden Ear 觀音金耳垂

I am eating the flower essence of golden Ear drops. The issue is about trauma in childhood helping people to aware the wound and transform this. Doctor tested the flower essence for me many times this year, and I remembered many things happened in my childhood such as being hit, sexual harassment by strange men on street or feeling abandoned. I felt very strong suffering when remembering these details and cried a lot. How can I keep this trauma with me so many years. Even I am adult now but the three or four years old little girl inside me feeling painful so much.I remembered the details, the situation even the space in my childhood. But I can not hate my family. I can only aware the trauma and transform this using tool I learn such as mindfulness. When sitting and chanting this morning, I looked at my little Guanyin sculpture and realized she has been my protector since childhood (even past life), because there were a similar sculpture near the shelter room I hid after hitting. I can not help crying when looking at Guanyin feeling her compassion understanding my suffering deeply. Gradually I stopped crying and smiled to the wound, and then walked mindfully to eat my breakfast.

about Golden Ear Drops flower essence


上周有個因緣跟朋友聊天時,某個他拿起雨傘的姿勢讓我下意識的退後一步,然後我們都注意到了這個反應,還認真地討論了一會,我說: 「我不記得有被男人打過,所以應該是小時候的家人吧,他們說我不乖、沒有照顧弟弟,記得自己常常被打。」

一邊狐疑一邊抓髮,一邊對崔教授嘀咕: 「教授,為什麼還有金耳垂,還有什麼創傷嗎?」教授聽到我跟朋友的這段對話,很認真的寫起來,這個很重要,她說,要大小孩照顧小小孩(我弟),然後大小孩感覺被遺棄還被打,這是很嚴肅的創傷。




