
Impatient habit energy 鳳仙花慣習

I aware being in the suffeirng of Impatient. It is my habit energy accumulated for long long time. I need to learn how to aware adn transform this energy and reduce my suffeirng from this again. I am practicing mindfulness breathing and asking flower essence to provide me stable energy to face this suffering...

我察覺到慣習中的鳳仙花在發作,沒有耐心且容易生氣的,想趕快自己去解決的習性,從台灣鳳仙花到美國鳳仙花都是一樣。感覺到那麼大的慣性業力(habit energy),偶而很想舉手投降,但這樣對生命一點都沒有好處,我知道自己在正在痛苦中,對治憤怒或急躁之火,練習正念或請花精來幫助我。這次要學到怎麼樣照顧自己,每次學一樣,慢慢得自己就可以安穩在當下了吧! 真是大功課。

