Few days ago, I was waiting for train in the SJ station, using my laptop to write diary. There was aumatic program of mindfuleness bell in laptop and it rang when tying my diary. I realized the moment and breathed deeply. There was a western young men sittting beside me, I was sure he heared the sound of bell too. Few seconed later, the young men breathed deeply too. I didn't know did he know this practice ? But this was a wonderful moment to practicing breathing naturally, even with a stranger...
某日在聖荷西車站等車,拿出筆電寫日記,筆電的正念鐘聲程式開著,每15分鐘會響鐘,聽到鐘聲我記得要呼吸。隔壁坐著一個白人年輕男生看著書,沒有幾秒鐘後,我也聽到他在呼吸。 也許是巧合,或者陌生男子也知道這樣的練習,我們並沒有交談,只是呼吸而以,美妙的一刻呢!