
Mindful speech 正念說話

Mindful speech

It was so great to talk online to a Dharma friend of plum village who visited Taiwan with Thay's Asia tour in April,2011. With skype phone, we shared our practicing  in difficult situation recently that mindful conversation nourished me again. Being in the situation around gossip or complain, working here is not easy for me to practice mindfulness, but best chance to transform. I kept silence and listening deeply to others' sufferings when the team members were talking unmindful words. I practiced the 4th training when realizing my anger emotion arising, not acting but looking at, sending it back to the store consciousness. 

To take good care myself is very important part in mindfulness practice here in not harmonious group. I was so exhausted to worry for others, trying not to flight to both (not involving in too much)but taking care myself with stillness and calmness. Habit energy came up a lot and I judged that immediately. "YOU! Habit! you are bad! I don't like you! ". But garbage is also flower as Thay said,just aware the habit energy inside of me, smile to them, and breathe in and out, waiting till the habit energy becoming weaker with stronger mindful energy. Thank you for Janice for sharing and supporting.

When we talked on skype, another friend called my cellphone and the phone ring was mindfulness song sang by Plum village brother. Janice and I laughed at the same time. How wonderful toll to pick up the phone before listening plum village song. I smile before I answer difficult phone and answer with mindfulness energy. I shared with Janice that I still keep practicing "Mind the Gap" and "Stand firm" as the sign in Metro of Taipei helping me aware the steps around crowds of subway station. How great practice it is !

* photo taken in garden of local temple in Taipei

