Taiwan is an island. We Taiwanese has some particular personality. In sharing gathering today, doctor explained their discovery from over 8000 cases showing Taiwanese got specific message from flower essences such as Impatient (impatient), GoldenEarDrops (childhood trauma), Buttercup(inability to acknowledge inner light) and chestnut (social values and obsession).I ate all of these flower essences for few times and thought this was my personal emotional problem. When doctor shared these flower essences presented phenomenon for Taiwanese, I felt releasing to know my transforming may bring transformation to whole society because I was the one of collective consciousness. What I am doing for my impatient, trauma or feeling inferior connecting so closely with Taiwanese society, the benefit practicing mindfulness may share with all. I can connect flower essence with spirituality and also with social issues.
photo: one of Bach flower remedy- Impatience for people who has no patience
鳳仙花Impatients (急躁)
金耳垂 GoldenEarDrops (童年創傷)
奶油杯 ButterCup (靈性低潮)
栗子家族 Chestnut Family (強迫症)