
Taiwanese society and flower essences

Taiwan is an island. We Taiwanese has some particular personality. In sharing gathering today, doctor explained their discovery from over 8000 cases showing Taiwanese got specific message from flower essences such as Impatient (impatient), GoldenEarDrops (childhood trauma), Buttercup(inability to acknowledge inner light) and chestnut (social values and obsession).I ate all of these flower essences for few times and thought this was my personal emotional problem. When doctor shared these flower essences presented phenomenon for Taiwanese, I felt releasing to know my transforming may bring transformation to whole society because I was the one of collective consciousness. What I am doing for my impatient, trauma or feeling inferior connecting so closely with Taiwanese society, the benefit practicing mindfulness may share with all. I can connect flower essence with spirituality and also with social issues.

photo: one of Bach flower remedy- Impatience for people who has no patience 


先前沒有認真看分享活動說明,現場才知道會挑我們幾個老鳥的花精來說,就見醫生跳到螢幕前開始說:「等一下請這幾位老朋友分享,其實有幾朵是台灣常見的基本款」,曾經有那麼一點社會學訓練意識到「台灣基本款」這句話,敏感地繼續追問,究竟是哪些花可以回應台灣人與台灣社會的特質? 有趣的是這些通通我都拿過很多次,經由醫師從診所案例對照,才知道生活在台灣島國,的確民族性就如實的反應在花精的訊息當中,讓我獲益不少同時感到些許解脫。可以代表台灣人的花精有這幾種:

鳳仙花Impatients (急躁)

金耳垂 GoldenEarDrops (童年創傷)

奶油杯 ButterCup (靈性低潮)

栗子家族 Chestnut Family (強迫症)

每一朵都有很深的感觸,經常從花精整理表裡面得知自己跟這些花精的互動,但卻很少從台灣社會的角度來看,總覺得那是自己的問題。例如: 剛下飛機那時後馬上就察覺到腳步慢不下來,若沒有特別意識到舊金山修行的狀況,以為是自己暫時水土不服。醫生從新圓山診所的八千多的案例中來看,就算作為心理測驗也是非常龐大的案例數量,可以知道台灣民族性中帶有著: 鳳仙花的急躁、打罵教育造成的金耳垂創傷,或是社會價值觀強迫眾人接受的栗子們,這些花跟台灣社會如此緊密相連,同時也與我緊密連結著,原來這些負面情緒不只是自己的問題。更能理解為何我的轉化也同時代表著社會的轉化,當察覺這些集體意識如何作用在個人情緒與修行中,突然,過去念死板理論的塞子,活靈活現的連接起來,開竅了一點。

