
Borage 琉璃苣花精

I first saw Borage flower in person when joining the professional course in flower essence society (Richard took the flower as photos showing above), then I met this flower again when visiting community garden in San Francisco. Borage brings me blue sparking light happiness inside, being very happy to meet it in the city garden. Here is the signature as flower essence (from FES)

我在北美花精山上的花園看到這朵花就很喜歡他,琉璃苣在遭逢巨大悲痛,或親友死亡等狀態可以幫忙人安穩的花精,在北美複方中是放在grief (悲痛)系列中但我沒用過。今天在社區花園走過時終於又看到這小小朵,閃亮著藍光的琉璃苣,蹲下來開心再相見。

Positive qualities:
Ebullient heart forces, buoyant courage and optimism.

Patterns of imbalance:
Heavy-heartedness, lack of confidence in facing difficult circumstances.

正面特質: 熱情的心的動能,愉快的勇氣與樂觀

不平衡模式: 沉重的心,缺乏自信能克服困境

Borage has a long-standing reputation based upon its ability to improve ones outlook on life. It provides not only physical strength, but courage and strength of character as well. No matter how challenging or difficult the times, Borage is known for its ability to help lift one’s spirits.

Borage is an excellent heart remedy, especially for the feeling of heaviness in the heart, and perhaps throughout the body. The “Borago” plant was originally called “Corago,” referring to state of courage associated with it. The word courage implies a soul quality intimately related to the heart (cor is Latin for heart); for it is through this energy center that one’s essence is radiated outward towards others. At times when the soul experiences too much grief, sadness, or other adversity, the hear can become contracted and heavy. We call this feeling “discouraged” or “disheartened.”

The soul needs to learn that it can counterbalance this fettered feeling in the heart by contracting that which is “light,” or uplifting. Thus, the soul quality of courage is not so much connected to grit or strength, but to a condition of buoyancy in the soul which helps it to rise above, rather than sink into the weight of discouragement or depression.

Borage flowers essence helps the heart to experience this ebullience and lightness, filling the soul with fresh forces of optimism and enthusiasm. It is an excellent all-purpose balm and toner in many formulas when the soul needs upliftment and encouragement.

Reference 相關連結

Three Faces of Borage: Medicinal Herb, Homeopathic Remedy, Flower Essence



