
Ready to make Flower Essence?

I has used flower essence for seven years. I started to learn as practitioner in 2012 to join workshop in the Bach center, UK and FES in California. For the first five years as users, the flower essence combinations were provide by my doctor who is using bio-informational medicine. Following the principle of Dr. Bach's philosophy- Heal Thyself, I was wondering how and what I could find the destiny. I was the Mimulus type, with various worries and fear in daily life. I would only please others but listening my inner voice. The true healing was the moment that I decide to take the responsibility to look deeply what happen to my life? Why I was not so happy? During the soul journey, flower essences and mindfulness practice from PV tradition were both my best supports.

In the summer of 2013, I came back to north California. I would try another new program in CIIS- Ecology, spirituality and religion. I understood the only emotion approach of flower essence therapy was not suit to me; it worked and I knew something sacred behind that. After the training in FES, I recovered the biodynamic farm and spiritual science about plant kingdom from Rudolf Steiner's theory. I came back to California to look for more research resources. So, I took course in CIIS, and joined some organic program in the East Bay. I also took another flower essence training in Marin to seek for more group support in flower essence therapy circle, which seems not so popular for bay area people yet.

It was amazing life to live in the East bay. I admired the spiritual and practical life people live, and the colorful and beautiful landscape, easy to get natural park for medicine walk, one of ecothearpy instructor shown me how to do. I loved the practice of medicine walk; I also called it as mindfulness walking to clarity the thought and keep the mind calm.


Thought I didn't meet many local people who knew flower essence much. There were few new friends using Bach remedies usually. I was curious why flower essence was not popular in the area? Anyway, I tried my best to find any possible to have more support. I joined a local flower essence maker's course. One of reasons to join was to meet new friends, another reasons was look forwards to have chance to make flower essence in person this time.

I was lucky to meet the wonderful instructor, Catherine, who is professional herbalist for over 40 years. Catherine taught herbal and flower essence making in different countries, but her products provided only in local herbal shop and farmer's market. I was surprised she didn't even plan to sell the products to other states or nations. In the beginning we met in the group, I was the only foreigner and the only person who learned flower essence as practitioner. I knew the systems of Bach and FES, but I had rigid idea for the therapy. This new group gave me chance to refresh my experience to work with flower essence, the spirit of plant kingdom, which was not job or rule but true Self to touch the Earth. I cultivated more inner space and curiosity about making flower essence in person, which is the direct way for me to understand how flower essence connect with living beings.  I appreciated the chance to experience in the sunny October when Catherine said it was good time to make Aloe Vera flower essence which bloom in the winter. I prayed to the Sky women to give us a good sunny day to learn how to make.

It was a sunny day in October. members of the group and one 5yrs boy joined together to make Aloe Vera flower essence. The weather was cold but some of Aloe Vera fought with the cold and bloom with great living energy. Catherine taught us how to pick petals with knife or hands; we used the leaves and stems to pick petals but not touching them. The clear water of bowl was ready and put on the meadow nearby. Catherine invited us to have a circle, and share our healing goal to work with Aloe Vera. I knew the quality of Aloe Vera from FES and from Pegasus founder, Gurudas. I thought it was only explain. During the group discussion, I realized I didn't believe my inner voice when I met Aloe Vera but remembering other experts words. Thought I respected these guiders but the the journey to work with flower essence for me was not to gain more knowledge but experiencing and reconnecting with the Earth. 

Catherine encourage us to make our own flower essence in our local area. I knew the sunny and beautiful Aloe Vera gave me the permission as Earth's student to learn from them. I will make flower essences in Taiwan, as the way to touch my homeland.

Resources in Bay area of California
Ecology, Spirituality and Religion program in CIIS http://www.ciis.edu
Ecotherapy circle http://www.arianacandell.com/ecotherapy.htm
Mindfulness-based Ecology http://rainsussman.com
EcoBuddhism http://www.ecobuddhism
Flower Essence Society www.flowersociety.org
Pegasus Essences http://www.pegasusproducts.com/
Flower Essence of Marin herbalist www.gatheringthyme.com/

