Drawing and flower essence learning (Bach flower essences)
I started to organize gathering to learn and discuss flower essences since the late 2012. However, it was not the first time I joined such activity. I went to gathering in the clinic that doctor shared her experiences about flower essence therapy, but I couldn't much about flower essences from her. Then I went to some flower essence courses for 1st and 2nd level. It cost a lot, but after workshop, it seemed no more continuation learning we could do here in Taiwan but paying more money to another workshop. I was thinking what I really need during the time to learn flower essence and self healing. I didn't need more workshops but support circle who could sharing personal experience of healing process, or the combination we chose as practitioners and users. I would like to take flower essences as healthy spiritual food but medicine, not experience healing products but daily support to everyone one.
instructor explained chakra of human body and flower essence (Australia Bush flower essences)
I did do my personal study for one year first, to see what did people in other country do to learn and use flower essence. I discovered a wilder perspective about natural therapy and self healing process. Then I went to California to join women spirituality program. The instructor moved to USA for almost ten years. she presented the attitude of inclusiveness to me, how did we share and listen to each other, no matter what it was useful or right. The listening was healing. I practiced the deeply listening with dearest teacher, Thich Nhat Hnah. I decide to try such spirit and organize gatherings in Taiwan. So I started to do it in 2012.

Plants and flower essence with international students (FES)
Study group about FES
In the beginning, I invited various flower essence practitioners from Bach, FES and Akasha(one of German system, being famous in Taiwan recently) to introduce the group their flowers and healing processes. Sooner and later, I felt some unpleasant feeling during the group, some of them wanted to promote their products, another wanted to share personal experiences, and others kept silence not being ready to share. It was really tough time and I reduce the numbers each gathering, but kept the principle to let everyone have chance to share. The knowledge was not the most important here but supporting, sharing and listening.
New Bach Flower Therapy (with Bach essences, developed Germany natural therapist, Kramer)
Gradually, more silent people started to talk, the talking members would stop to listening to others. It seemed the sharing part was become easier. The next stage would provide more understanding about flower essences and plant's healing power. I brought some books from UK and USA to discuss how the plants presented its signature. The training in FES gave me idea how to cultivate the part. I also encourage members to organize reading group and art creative group to know some ideas about flowers made as flower essences. The cultural and medical history, the environmental and structure of looking. It was a prepare time to show people to go outside to connect with the Nature. More and more flower essence producers develop the issue about Earth and Nature for urban area in this time. For the reason, I know more about spiritual ecology and herbal medicine. Though it was new to me, the connection with flower essence, ecology and spirituality was so natural as continuation of Mother Earth's energy to every living beings. I went back to California to join training, and work in organic farms. I particularly paid attention to the biodynamic agriculture. It was also the method FES garden used. I discovered the deep background of plant's study of Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. I knew they will be my important guiders for the next steps and I would like to keep sharing with other friends. To show people how beauty we live with the living Earth and how wonderful we know flower essence to heal ourselves and help other in the natural way. It was not only method or product to me. It is a mindfulness bell from the Nature to remind us breathing in the present moment and practice loving and kindness with other beings.
So, in Taiwan, the Flower Essence Friends gathering continued. I build and invited various friends as mindful sangha though we didn't chant or practice any Buddhism, nor do we have same religion or spiritual tradition. We shared together, learned together, no matter what systems people uses. It is a circle to welcome people to bring personal experience and professional understanding. The diversity will be a challenge to our society. It could have argument or disagreement, not an easy work to support to each other with deep listening but judging. What I know is I was supportive by similar group before, and it could be worth to keep such supportive circle to support people who may need.